Frequently asked questions

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About our solution

What can your solutions measure?

Our technology measures critical data like electricity, gas, water consumption and the status of your assets.

Why is it important to be proactive?

Failing to act in advance can lead to significant problems and challenges in ensuring the safety and well-being of both people and properties.

Do you perform checks on the systems?

Yes, even though our products are built for durability, we regularly check to ensure nothing compromises their protective capabilities.

How customizable is your solution?

We create a solution tailored to each client's specific needs, ensuring it meets the demands of your unique challenges and budget.

How do you understand our specific needs?

We start by calculating your unique requirements to identify potential issues, ensuring we design a solution perfectly suited to your situation.

About the benefits

How does your technology prevent risks?

Our modern solutions are designed to significantly lower financial and safety risks from water damage, and promote safer operations.

How do you enhance customer loyalty for insurance companies?

By enabling proactive risk management and quick response to potential issues, our solutions help reduce the frequency and severity of claims. This proactive approach not only protects assets but also enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty, as clients perceive the value-added service that helps prevent losses and streamline claims processes.

Can your solutions promote well-being?

Yes, by detecting issues early and managing them proactively, we enhance environment and well-being of both individuals, properties and the environment.

How do your solutions optimize operations?

We use data to highlight areas for time and resource savings to enable smarter and more efficient operational decisions.

How do your solutions promote sustainability?

Our digital solutions promote sustainability in several ways, for example by improving energy efficiency, managing resources better, preventing incidents and monitoring environmental conditions in real-time.

For construction

What kind of support do you provide for construction projects?

We offer full-service support, helping improve project safety and meet environmental standards, which includes real-time data monitoring and forecasts to quickly prevent and protect.

Can your solutions detect early signs of structural issues in buildings?

Yes, our monitoring sensors can detect early signs of potential structural issues, allowing for quick action.

How do you ensure the solution remains effective?

We continuously collect and analyze data to optimize your setup, acting immediately on any issues detected to enhance optimal performance.

Is your solution suitable for my business?

We cater to a wide range of businesses, such as insurance, construction and managed properties. Contact us for more information.

How can you ensure the safety and efficiency of construction projects?

Through 24-hour security with real-time updates, alerts and reports, enabling informed decision-making to enhance project quality and safety.

For insurance

Can your solution integrate with our current risk assessment models?

Absolutely. Our platform is designed to complement and enhance your existing risk assessment models. By providing real-time environmental data and predictive insights, we can help fine-tune risk assessments and improve precision in policy pricing and loss prevention strategies.

How do you enhance customer loyalty for insurance companies?

By enabling proactive risk management and quick response to potential issues, our solutions help reduce the frequency and severity of claims. This proactive approach not only protects assets but also enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty, as clients perceive the value-added service that helps prevent losses and streamline claims processes.

What impact can a water leakage have?

An average house can lose over 35,000 liters of water annually due to leaks. Even small leaks can waste huge amounts of water.

How does your technology prevent risks?

Our modern solutions are designed to significantly lower financial and safety risks from water damage, and promote safer operations.

How do you assist insurance companies in lowering risks and claims?

With real-time data and predictive analytics, we proactively identify risks, prevent incidents and reduce claim costs, while enhancing customer satisfaction.

For managed property

What can your solutions measure?

Our technology measures critical data like electricity, gas, water consumption and the status of your assets.

Can your solutions detect early signs of structural issues in buildings?

Yes, our monitoring sensors can detect early signs of potential structural issues, allowing for quick action.

Can your solutions promote well-being?

Yes, by detecting issues early and managing them proactively, we enhance environment and well-being of both individuals, properties and the environment.

What impact can a water leakage have?

An average house can lose over 35,000 liters of water annually due to leaks. Even small leaks can waste huge amounts of water.

How can your solutions prioritize help for at-risk tenants?

Our alerts and data analysis enable prioritization of support for tenants at risk of fuel poverty or those living in conditions that require immediate attention for safety and comfort.

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