Offering peace-of-mind to insurance takers

Enabling a digital transformation helps protect properties and enhance customer value through early risk detection that minimizes potential damages and costs.


“It’s truly a win-win situation, where both our insurance takers and we have peace-of-mind”

Key Benefits

Less incidents and claims

Reduced costs

Higher customer satisfaction

Stronger market position

On this page


One of Sweden’s largest insurance companies, Länsförsäkringar, wants to transition from traditional insurance to proactive "peace-of-mind" solutions, through a new approach that prevents water damage.


In order to shift from reactive claims handling to preventive measures in water damage risks, they need a solution that seamlessly integrates with their existing systems and offers real-time protection to policyholders.


This digital transformation helps early risk detection and minimizes potential damages and costs – which not only safeguards properties, but also enhances customer value.


  • Significant decrease in water damage claims.
  • Enhanced customer satisfaction.
  • Operational efficiencies and lower costs.
  • Strengthened market position by "peace-of-mind" solutions.

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