Smart climate control for university renovations

When modernizing student facilities at a university, there was a need to blend modern necessities with historical preservation, requiring precise environmental controls to protect diverse construction materials.


"…on behalf of the Collins Hall Renovation team, Polygon has been great to work with. Everything from the friendly service to the innovative equipment you have brought out here, has been a very pleasant and pain-free experience.”

Adam Hammonds

Superintendent at JE Dunn

Key Benefits

Cost savings

Reduced energy consumption

Preservation of historical value

Enhanced material integrity

Operational efficiency

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In 2023, Baylor University set out to modernize Ruth Collins Hall, enhancing its appeal and functionality while preserving its historical essence. JE Dunn, entrusted with the renovation, faced the complex task and turned to us to ensure optimal environmental conditions that protect both the heritage and the new installations.


During the renovation of Ruth Collins Hall, JE Dunn encountered challenges with environmental control in the 70,000-square-foot dormitory. Moisture introduced by construction materials like drywall and paint needed to be managed to meet the strict quality standards and prevent delays.


To tackle these challenges, JE Dunn turned to us for a comprehensive climate control solution. We did a thorough site evaluation and implemented a multi-faceted approach, including continuous temperature and humidity monitoring, precisely calibrated climate control equipment and a smart control system to dynamically adjust settings based on real-time data.


  • Maintained strict environmental controls, ensuring material integrity and project timelines.
  • Reduced energy consumption significantly, leading to cost savings.
  • Enhanced project management with real-time, data-driven decision-making capabilities.
  • A tailored, efficient solution that supported the project's unique needs without disruption.

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